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  When starting a new game the game reloads the main menu instead of starting a new rturn. Jody: This is the direction I want immersive sims to go.❿    


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I still can't find another fighting game that's this much fun to watch and play. It has a steeper learning curve than the likes of Street Fighter, but it's totally worth it. The dramatic slow-mo cam that inches in on the final punchup should be in every fighter! Morgan: Tekken freakin rules. Its' the only fighting game that I like to watch partially thanks to those crisp hitboxes and slo-mo finishers and the only one I've considered playing. I recently sat through a multi-hour video explaining the series storylines and I now understand why its fighting tournament setup also makes for a pretty good Netflix anime series.

Morgan: This 7-year-old open-world stealth gem is starting to show its age, but the best bits of Metal Gear Solid V are still some of the best moments in the genre. Even the best immersive sims struggle to match The Phantom Pain's freeform approach to missions and huge variety of tools.

Wes: Some say Kojima's a visionary because of politics or somesuch. Nuts to that. He's a visionary because everyone's going to be collecting cassette tapes in five years and MGS5 called that shit in Josh W: One of the few games I went out of my way to get every achievement in, just because I wanted excuses to keep playing.

Sean: In the often warm and cosy city-builder genre, Frostpunk is a shard of ice. You're not an omnipotent eye in the sky governing a faceless population; as you balance sacrifice and survival in a snow-strewn apocalypse, Frostpunk forces you to face the people, and ultimately be held accountable.

Jody: When I played SimCity I'd always get to that point where my city was running so nicely there were no challenges left. That's when I'd open up the disaster menu. Floods and fires, tornadoes, earthquakes, sometimes Godzilla. It was fun in the same way as watching a sandcastle you've built all day get washed away by the tide. In Frostpunk, the disaster's already here. Winter isn't coming, it's arrived and it's never going away. All that's left of humanity is one pseudo-steampunk city in a pit of misery.

You don't get to pick where to build it like in a regular city builder, nor do you get to sprawl your grid of streets across a map. There's no sandbox here. There's just the pit, where you mine coal and fight sickness and shore up buildings to keep out the cold. Then it gets even colder, and you need to crank up the generator to dangerous levels. Anyone beyond the shrinking range of its warmth freezes to death and there's nothing you can do about that.

Frostpunk starts somewhere after the point I'd reach at the end of a game of SimCity, and then it tells you to hold back the tide. Jody: Alien Isolation is a cinephile's dream, recreating the look and sound of Alien with loving care. It's also a nightmare, recreating the xenomorph from gurgling growl to lashing tail and letting it loose to stalk you through a space station's corridors.

The corridors are also lovingly recreated. If someone's not into strategy games I don't feel guilty convincing them to play one.

When people aren't into horror, it's usually with good reason. If you don't like being afraid you won't like Alien Isolation. It's terrifying. That said, if you enjoy the relief of triumphing over a boss in a soulslike, think how relieved you'd feel confronting actual fear rather than some guy who transforms into a thing with long arms.

Sean: Made by Alien fans for Alien fans, and it's so easy to recognise the care and attention to detail in how wholly it embodies that cinematic style. Also I'm pretty sure it's responsible for popularising all those smart, scary monsters that hunt you in games now. Thanks for that! This year I've actually made some progress though! This is a testament to how much this thing terrifies the shit out of me, but also how utterly perfect it is as an Alien game.

I have to keep going. Very, very slowly. Jody: The early parts are the best parts, for sure. Just like the Alien series as a whole. Robin: The vibes are just impeccable.

If you could distil Control's weird, SCP-inspired atmosphere into a liquid, I'd drink a gallon before lunchtime. And I love how much fun it is to move and fight through its bizarre, impossible spaces while you're soaking all that in. Fraser: It's brutalist architecture porn. And as striking as it is, boy does it have a glow up when you turn on ray tracing.

There are a lot of flat, reflective surfaces in the Oldest House, so it's a great showcase of those fancy reflections. Josh L: Control is a game all about being lost, lost in the maze-like architecture of the Oldest House, lost on your place in its world and lost in the knowledge—or rather the unknowableness of the objects and places the bureau deals with. There's really nothing quite like it.

Wes: In Satisfactory we built a power plant tower so tall you could see it from across the planet. We built factories with so many glass windows that even an RTX gave up on rendering them all. We connected conveyor belts carrying precious resources across the desert to a cargo train that spiraled up the side of a mountain.

We built a mining facility so far away it needed aerial drones to collect its materials—even though we couldn't actually build drones yet. Satisfactory begins as a game about optimization, finding the most efficient ways to pump out resources. Master that, and you're left with a sandbox that rewards building however and wherever the hell you want, just for the satisfaction of it.

Morgan: The stories that come out of Satisfactory sold me on it instantly. I, too, want to look over a mighty empire of automation and discover that my robot children no longer need me.

I'm also just really into watching materials actually travel down conveyor belts and pass through machines, instead of everything happening inside a menu.

More games should do this. Jody: Village is Resident Evil at its most decadent and gothic. There's a bit with a baby in a puppet house that's as scary as the series has ever been, a werewolf attack in the village that pays homage to Resident Evil 4's early siege, and the vampire-haunted Castle Dimitrescu, which lives up to its reputation.

Playing RE8 a while after release, I didn't think Lady D could possibly be as cool as the hype around her suggested, but she absolutely was. And there are plenty of surprises after that, with plot twists I wasn't expecting, neat references to older games in the series, and a Mercenaries mode that's basically bullet heaven.

It's more run and gun than previous games, but since it's a modern vision of Resident Evil it's not short of variety to keep things interesting. You visit heaps of beautifully designed levels throughout, and each one offers a taster session in everything Resident Evil has done well over the years. The story does follow on from Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, so you may find you want to start there before hitting up Village, but Village does do a pretty good job of explaining what's going on in case you're not up to speed.

From Village you can dive back into the horrifying and gory world of Resident Evil with the remakes, but be prepared to feel a lot more panicked and underpowered in those games—Mr.

X is absolutely terrifying in high definition. Rich: As CS:GO's twitter bio says, this is "your favourite first person shooter's favourite first person shooter. And incredibly, the most-played game on Steam 10 years into its lifespan. But it's waning in importance as the tail of battle royale and extraction shooters lengthens. Speaks to the timelessness of Counter-Strike's stop-and-pop design that it doesn't need new seasonal guns or magical movement abilities to stay interesting.

Fraser: There's understandably still a great deal of fondness for the original Company of Heroes, but here the multiplayer really got to shine, leading to CoH2 having a much longer tail. And, honestly, I've had enough of France and the invasion of Normandy. The main campaign has a lot to recommend it, too, if you don't mind the Russian cold, and is further elevated by the impressive non-linear Ardennes Assault expansion, paving the way for the impending Company of Heroes 3 and its dynamic campaign.

Morgan: Psychonauts 2 is what happens when the brilliant folks at Double Fine get as much time and budget as they need to make a 3D platformer. This is a gorgeous sequel that picks up right where the first left off. A charming, heart-wrenching story through the lens of a collectathon platformer. Jody: The original Psychonauts was a wonderful concept buried under uneven concessions to its genre.

Which is to say, it was a Double Fine game. What a concept, though: a summer camp for psychics run by a spy ring that trains them for espionage by letting them rummage around inside the mental landscapes of troubled folk.

If only it weren't for the fussy boss fights, and platforming that was let down by poor controls and checkpointing. Like Morgan says, Psychonauts 2 is Double Fine finally getting the freedom it needs to make a game that lives up to that idea. So, uh, thanks, Microsoft? It's a Pixar movie you can run around in, zooming across levels based on a psychedelic Yellow Submarine or a papercraft library where you end up trapped in a book, leaping across pages as the platforming suddenly transitions to 2D.

One level's a hospital that is also a casino, with a maternity ward where wannabe parents gamble on a roulette wheel of babies. It's constantly imaginative and twisted. Phil: A city-builder about creating elaborate, automated production chains—ferrying myriad resources from across the world to turn into the goods your citizens crave. The cities you create will be ornate and beautiful, but the real joy is found in watching a successful, stable supply of sewing machines leave your factories.

Fraser: The DLC has made it feel a bit bloated, especially now that you can set up colonies in even more places, but the logistics porn keeps me coming back anyway. It's intensely satisfying serving the needs of your demanding citizens, and like Phil says the cities make for great eye candy. Evan: Perhaps the best raw, customizable storytelling engine on this list, RimWorld is the progeny of hyper-granular colony sims like Dwarf Fortress.

Your pet turkey can break individual bones or lose their beak to say, frostbite in the winter after a specific level of cold exposure. It's moddable as hell: I played hours this year with a multiplayer add-on. Every fresh start means it's time for new experiments, which have been greatly enhanced by the expansions, introducing royals, psychics and cults. It works surprisingly well on Steam Deck, so I've fired it up yet again to play on the go.

Finally I can live the dream of sitting on a noisy bus while leading a colony of tyrannical transhumanist cannibals. Katie Wickens, Hardware Writer: Firmly is Rimworld embedded in my yearly game rotation, as the call of sandbox colony sims inevitably draws me in when real life gets hard to parse.

Rimworld has so much to give, with each restart delivering a totally unique experience. I bid thee tug on my heartstrings once more, o' tiny pawns of the outer Rim. Evan: The launch of the early access prototype Arma Reforger in May complicates this a bit: Arma is improving on its path to Arma 4, but slowly. For now, Arma 3 is still my recommendation for a feature-complete military sandbox.

Arma 3 continues to remind us that scale is one of the precious feelings games can give us. That doesn't just mean "big maps. Morgan: Arma 3 is the game that pushed me to finally get a desktop PC in I picked up the best prebuilt PC a year-old could afford, meaning Arma 3 still ran like crap. That's OK, because I still managed to dump hours into AI scenarios, Day-Z adjacent sandbox survival modes, and a proto-version of PUBG battle royale developed by PlayerUnknown himself you'd join servers from your external internet browser, it was pretty cool.

Arma is one of the few series out there actively pushing the capabilities of videogames and placing that power in the hands of players to make new things. After a decade of updates, Arma 3 is both gigantic and often cheap. Robin: I can't believe this is still on here. Both we and Bethesda need to let it go already. Jody: I get it. I'd be tempted to replay Morrowind if I wanted a full playthrough of an Elder Scrolls RPG today, yet I still keep Skyrim installed and hop back on the regular just to check out new mods.

I've recently explored a cyberpunk city and begun a multi-part quest mod with fully voiced followers. Skyrim's alive, and people are doing more interesting things to it than most live-service games.

Mollie: Robin, you're going to have to pry Skyrim from my cold, dead hands. It's been my comfort game for the past decade, the one I can easily fall back into for some bittersweet nostalgia. Will I ever play anything other than a stealthy archer? Who knows. Old habits die hard. Sean: Skyrim is irreplaceable, but that's also its biggest fault. Without another Elder Scrolls game to take its crown, I'm doomed to keep returning to it even though I know full well I've done everything there is.

Lauren M: How does one bond with friends if not by stomping around a haunted house and wailing increasingly awful "where are you? Jacob: I used to jump into Phasmophobia expecting to be terrified almost immediately, now I do it because it's a great social game to play with a handful of friends.

Enjoying a stroll through an abandoned and potentially haunted campsite or prison is now my idea of a good time, just shooting the breeze and poking fun as we idly check for ghosts on our vast array of ghost hunting gear. I love those moments simply tracking spectres so much that I've actually explored haunted castles or those claiming to be haunted with friends in real-life because of it. Phasmophobia made me realise I love the quirky ghost-hunting culture that I thought only existed in episodes of early s British TV show Most Haunted; a world filled with EMF meters, spirit boxes, infrared thermometers, and 'I'd rather be ghost hunting' caps.

Rich Stanton: I return to Phasmophobia every few months with the same group, because it's always different. Yeah we've seen much of what the game has but its combinations, its capacity to shock you out of over-confidence, remains undimmed.

My favourite horror experience ever. Fraser: Too many people know what my screams sound like now. Thanks, Phasmophobia. Josh L: I love paranormal investigation shows, and this game lets me experience that world for myself, in VR, and it's terrifying, I love it! Jody: Bloodlines remains an unbeatable example of a specific kind of RPG: one with sexy vampires you can kiss. It's got atmospheric urban hubs to explore, wonderfully animated NPCs, and a sudden switch to full horror that scared me shitless even on playthrough three.

The Unofficial Patch continues being updated long after fixing Bloodlines' biggest bugs back in the day I got stuck in half-open doors and had to reload more than once. It even inserts shortcuts past combat-heavy areas, the main weak spot of a game otherwise happy to let you sneak, talk, or kiss your way out of problems.

Actually, I think kissing caused more problems than it solved. But they were newer, more interesting problems, so that's OK. Josh W: It just nails the World of Darkness vibe so well: the scheming elders, the ancient conspiracies, the general millenarian dread.

Sure, some aspects—like literally every interaction in the Chinatown section—have, ah, not aged so well, but where Bloodlines shines, it shines brighter than any game that's tried to do the same thing before or since.

Katie: Seven years is a long time for any game to stay relevant, but Cities: Skylines remains the big apple of my eye as one of the greatest city builders of all time. It's not moved in the top list this year, since we consider it truly representative of the genre—the pinnacle of traffic management and a well rounded city design sandbox. The game's easy to pick up, and deep strategies reveal themselves as you learn to manage traffic flow, master road hierarchy, and exert your authority with evil cycle-to-work schemes.

The fact there are still tons of active modders in the community today, and that Colossal Order is still releasing DLCs, means there's a constant stream of content to keep you amused until they finally grace us with Skylines 2. I've got two cities on the go at the moment.

One of them is a new attempt at a cyberpunk city, after my last one got a bit out of control thanks to some broken mods. The other is one that's aggressively anti-car, because cars can fuck right off. Sean: Vermintide 2 is the most down-to-earth Warhammer game around; it's essentially about five roommates trying to deal with the end of the world. They drink together, bicker together, and yes, slaughter an endless number of humanoid rats together.

In a setting rife with OP gods and champions, I love that it's about a bunch of misfits just trying their best. Robin: And I love that that set up lets it just be this perfect encapsulation of what the Warhammer Fantasy setting is about. It's got that wonderful humour and satire in the dialogue, the characters sniping back and forth, but always against this absurdly grim, violent backdrop. It's authentic to that world in a way that I think few games outside of Total War manage.

Fraser: There are few things in this world as cathartic as smashing lots of evil rats. Vermintide 2 is the best panacea for a bad day.

Just try to frown when you're covered in blood and guts and fur. Wes: After a few years of playing Vermintide's missions over and over, I really enjoy the roguelike-esque mode Fatshark added. A full run takes a couple hours, but each level is a smaller commitment than a normal stage. Bring on Darktide. Chris: For years I wondered what the appeal of a hardcore farming sim was, but then I spent a couple seasons plowing, planting, cultivating, growing, and harvesting.

When my first crop of beets began pouring into my trailer—and I am not being sarcastic here—it was a genuine rush. The deep complexity of the farming systems and the exquisitely recreated farming vehicles, which to my mind are just as impressive as sci-fi spaceships, make it easy to turn farming into an obsession. Morgan: I haven't kept up with the Farming Sim series in recent years, but I'm glad to know it's as chill as ever.

This is the game that truly kicked off the "simulator" trend on Steam, but it's never treated the label like a joke. This is an honest-to-god snapshot of farm life: a lot of menial labor building up to a single delivery that doesn't pay quite as much as you hope, but enough that you should probably plant more wheat and do it again. Sarah James, Guides Writer: If Farming Simulator has taught me anything, it's that you don't want to be anywhere near me when I'm reversing something with a trailer attached to it.

Phil: Excuse me while I mourn the fact that this has become our sim du jour over Euro Truck Simulator 2—for my money still the king of the pretend-to-do-someone-else's-job genre. Robin: I genuinely had to uninstall this game to make myself stop playing it, because I was in so deep I could feel it giving me RSI. It's the perfect pick up and play game and fits perfectly with Valve's handheld. As much as it's a skateboarding game it reminds me of the compulsive nature of scrambling action puzzler, Trials 2, where I would restart levels time after time and settle for nothing less than a clean run every time.

It's the same thing with OlliOlli World, but with a more esoteric aesthetic. Dave: While Football Manager absolutely is a management simulation of what it's like to control the finer points of a football team in modern times, it's also one of the most engaging RPGs around.

Most people will simply dismiss it as little more than a set of spreadsheets with no soul, but for the people for whom FM has become the game they play, it means so much more than that. Sure, at its simplest FM is about shuffling a pack of little computer people into an order and with a strategy that will win you more football matches than you lose, but the wider career can last for years, even decades, as you live a full life in football.

And in that lifetime you can experience the many varied highs and lows of football; whether that's a last minute winner delivering an elusive Champions League win, a courageous full-back declaring their sexuality to a packed press conference, a brilliant season pushing your tiny home team of Bath into the professional leagues, or the pain of relegation, sackings, and a son who turns out to be too rubbish a footballer to fit in with your team and you have to destroy their career and the tender age of 21 with a cancelled contract.

It's also become a game I don't just play at my PC; I deliberate over transfer decisions in the shower in the morning, agonise over tactical tweaks long after I've shut down my rig from a bad run of matches, and dream of actually making it into the football league again. Lauren Aitken, Guides Editor: I hate spreadsheets in real life, but will apparently spend hundreds of hours in one to take Rangers to the top of the Champions League.

My favourite regens were called D. Truman and I. Innocent, and that's all I have to say about FM Robin: This game's such a vision for what the place of point-and-click games could be in the modern industry.

Instead of resting on laurels of nostalgia, it's pulling in inspiration from Bioware and Telltale to craft a brilliantly textured narrative and world to go with its smart puzzles. Fraser: Not just one of the best adventure games around, Unavowed is also a high point for urban fantasy. There are shades of Dresden Files and John Constantine, but this is a singular yarn, grounding the fire mages, ghost assistants and confused demons with human drama, and setting it in a version of New York that absolutely feels tangible.

Designer Dave Gilbert loves this city and loves these characters, and that makes me love them too. Morgan: Jackbox Games continues to demonstrate why it's the master of party games. You'd think eight releases later these packs would be out of good ideas, but Party Pack 8 features some of the cleverest games the series has ever seen, like a hidden drawing murder mystery game Weapons Drawn or a genius twist on Family Feud in Poll Mine.

I especially love the creativity of Job Job, a game where you write stories using word clouds written by each other. Imogen: I wanted Jackbox to be kicked off this list in favour of Gartic Phone. Sure, Jackbox is unique and fun, but it's the series that's good, not any one individual game.

Mollie: Sometimes I think Jackbox has had its day. Then I'll end up drinking with some buddies, the game will come out and the floodgates open to countless Jackbox-themed inside jokes. I agree with Imogen, the series is good rather than one particular pack standing out as the must-have. I'm partial to Jackbox 5 myself—the last time I played Patently Stupid I had bellyache from laughing so hard. Even if each pack has its duds, you're bound to find a good time from at least one game.

Morgan: This gorgeous, well-written, and downright fun story didn't get the love it truly deserved across the internet last year. Yes, the combat is simple, but Eidos Montreal's take on the Guardians of the Galaxy demonstrates a lot of love for the source material and a high bar of comedy that I wouldn't have expected from the Deus Ex studio. The characters are so good, this game made me like the Marvel movies a lot less. Give it a shot. Fraser: GotG has been accused of being a movie knock-off that couldn't afford the expensive cast, but it's really one of the best comic adaptations around, capturing the argumentative found-family far better than any two-hour MCU flick ever could.

Like Morgan says, the gags are great, but the comedy is accompanied by powerful emotional highs and lows that make this rollicking space adventure incredibly heartfelt and genuine. Fraser: I'm terrible at cards and even worse at sleight of hand, but Card Shark makes me feel like a master. As the mute apprentice of Comte de Saint-Germain, I've learned a lot about how to part 18th century French nobles and revolutionaries from their cash. The mechanics of deceit are both complex and compelling, embracing the tactile nature of card games and then layering oodles of intrigue and a nice big conspiracy on top.

I finished the whole thing in a single long afternoon, but I've hardly stopped thinking about it since. I even picked up a real deck of cards to see if the game rubbed off on me, but no, I've still got the dexterity and wits of a sloth.

Morgan: Ashamed that I haven't given this one a proper shot. Cheating at cards is such an immediately fun game premise and I'm delighted that it actually works. Wes: Surely you've heard of Valve's FPS puzzle comedy Portal and its sequel, which will make you laugh and feel incredibly smart at the same time.

I'm going to assume you've played the campaign, because you strike me as a reader of fine taste and culture. What really keeps Portal 2 on the Top year after year is its co-op campaign and staggering Steam Workshop scene, providing effectively infinite test chambers to solve. Play nothing but Portal 2 and Kerbal Space Program for the next year and you could probably earn an honorary physics degree. Nat: It's so easy to forget how Valve's writing was on top of its game in Razor sharp and effortlessly funny, even without memetic cake jokes.

Morgan: Portal 2 lives in the corner of my brain reserved for perfect games. It's not a crowded space. Man, I can't wait for Valve to make narrative games again. Sarah: It's hard to believe Portal 2 is over 10 years old.

I haven't played recently but I remember the last time I fired it up, it hadn't aged at all. I think it's time for another replay. Nat: I'd always written off Flight Sim as this stodgy old thing, something dads fuss over on their yellowed old CRT in the garage. But a scale model of the Earth is a hell of a thing, and with a flight model that can be as accessible or as finicky as you like, I've found endless joy in even the familiar drudgery of an Edinburgh to London flight—especially if I'm doing it in the Halo Pelican.

Fraser: My love of flight is usually overshadowed by my hate of airports and uncomfortable seats. Flight Sim's perfect for me, then, cutting out all the shit and just letting me soar above the clouds and occasionally do flyovers of Paisley to see if it accurately simulates the amount of broken glass and dog poo on the streets. It doesn't, but it's still an incredible recreation of Earth.

Morgan: My brief love affair with Flight Sim in sent me down a long road. Not only am I way more familiar with plane operations than I never imagined, but I'm also way more afraid of these magnificent steel beasts that regularly defy god. Even when I think I'm doing everything right, stuff goes wrong and I just start flipping switches.

I'm not sure I'll ever sleep on a flight again. Jody: So many space games are about being a pilot or the spaceship itself. Mass Effect understood we wanted to be the ship's captain, just like on TV.

The one who bosses people around, gives inspiring speeches, leads the away team, plots the journey, and, yes, macks on blue alien honeys. Imogen: Mass Effect is two of my favourite aspects of games rolled into one.

Stupid otherworldy politics that make no sense and gun action. Oh, and my third favourite too, smooching aliens. The point is Mass Effect games showed me how deep relationships can go in games whether they be platonic, intergalactic, or romantic. Nothing has ever made me feel the same as realising the consequences of the suicide run or saying goodbye to Tali. Mollie: I'm all here for alien smooching. What a babe. Ted Litchfield, Associate Editor: I often find myself ragging on Mass Effect, its militarism, the way it ended, the questionable ethics of its workplace romances.

But at the end of the day I replay the whole trilogy at least once every two years. It's a touchstone for me, a world I'm always happy to go back to. It also doesn't hurt that the Vanguard class lets you teleport around shotgunning dudes in the most satisfying way imaginable. Nat: They "improved" the Mako for this "remaster", as if it were ever possible to improve on perfection.

Morgan: A murder mystery visual novel set in a twisted vision of heaven. The pitch was enough for me to try Paradise Killer, but what kept me around is the unique approach to its central mystery, allowing players to track each citizen's timelines, solve puzzles out of order, and make your own conclusions about whodunnit. It's pretty serious business wrapped in a completely absurd world, with memorable characters like Lady Love Dies, Dr. To solve the brutal murder, you first need to make sense of this world and its strange rules.

Unravelling this mystery isn't all that challenging, it turns out, but it's absolutely rewarding. Wes: I did wish in the end that this mystery had required a bit more deduction and a bit less "talk to everyone after finding every new piece of evidence," but I loved how freeform it was, loved that it would've let me present my case way earlier if I'd chosen to, loved how it cleverly organized evidence, and loved the creativity poured into every single bit of this world.

If I'm not interviewing an immortal skeleton bartender assassin in the next mystery I play, why bother? And with every new expansion and league, it subtly reinvents itself, beckoning me back. There are always new builds to experiment with. New challenges to overcome. Path of Exile 2 is coming, but I'm in no particular rush to move on. Every ARPG that's come since simply reminds me why this one is the best of the bunch. Lost Ark is basically Path of Exile yassified.

Sarah: I've tried getting into Path of Exile several times but I always feel overwhelmed by the complexity of the skill tree so never usually get very far.

It's FromSoft's tightest game: all action, no RPG fat, 10, blood-spurting death blows standing between you and victory. Is there a Louvre for ninjas? Josh W: People like to talk about Sekiro being a game of mastery.

Sekiro didn't click for me until I realised it wasn't just a game about straight-up sword fights, it's also about throwing ash in your opponent's eyes and fleeing the battle, about dousing them in oil and setting them alight, and about exploiting all the nasty, low-down tricks in the shinobi handbook to fight every battle purely on your terms. Honour is for suckers: let it warm the dead in their graves. It should definitely be higher up in this list because who doesn't love roleplaying as a sexy Viking lady with a big hammer?

Unimaginative people, that's who. The various DLC added classic black box missions and new abilities that turn Valhalla from a regular Viking adventure into a mythical masterpiece as you smash god-tier enemies to pieces as the All-Father.

I wish Ubisoft would spice up the increasingly staid quest structure and stop just piling on very similar systems, but I've still put more than hours into this behemoth. Josh L: As mentioned, this really isn't an Assassin's Creed game, but maybe that's a good thing? Robin: Ubisoft don't get enough credit in my book for the sheer scale and craft of their modern open worlds. I think accusations of bloat are warranted—Valhalla is absurdly long and full of filler—but they're not justification for dismissing the incredibly technical achievement that is the game's rendition of medieval England.

Mollie: A zen puzzler with very few words, yet says so much through the possessions you neatly stow away inside cupboards and wardrobes across multiple years and living spaces.

Jody: Every object clicks in place delightfully, telling a story while it does. But the partner who doesn't leave wallspace for your degree, aaargh.

Fraser: I find it nearly impossible to keep my flat tidy with a chaotic cockapoo puppy roaming around, so tidying up in Unpacking was incredibly cathartic. The more I played, though, the more it was the unspoken story pushing me forward. And now I'm worried about what my own possessions might tell people about me. I'd better hide some stuff. Wes: My girlfriend brought her diploma home recently, and thanks to this game I had a slight moment of panic about whether she'd have any place to put it.

Sarah: Unpacking is such a chill game. It's so satisfying to organise a room—or an entire house—just the way you like it. The story of the nameless person who's stuff you're organising with each life-stage is subtle and surprisingly moving no pun intended.

Morgan: Prey is everything great about immersive sims crammed into one huge space station. It's got wrenches, shotguns, computers with mouse pointers, and a set a systemic rules that everything follows. I'll never forget the first time I bypassed a locked door by sniping a button with a nerf crossbow. This is Arkane's grand homage to System Shock and I'm still amazed it turned out so good.

Jody: This is the direction I want immersive sims to go. He has been tasked to look into the abduction of the President's daughter and his investigation has led him to a mysterious location in Europe. As Leon encounters unimaginable horrors, he must find out who or what is behind everything. User Score: 9. Since the incident on Shadow Moses Island, Metal Gear's top-secret technology has been leaked into the black market through the machinations of Revolver Ocelot.

As a result, countless variations of Metal Gears have sprung up in every corner of the globe, making the weapon an increasingly common component of the armed forces of nuclear powers. In the midst of all of this, Solid Snake, now a member of the anti-Metal Gear group "Philanthropy," has learned that a new prototype Metal Gear has been developed by the U. Marines and is being transported in secret to an unknown destination. To learn more about this new machine, Snake must infiltrate the transport, disguised as a tanker, as it makes its way down the Hudson River.

Just as Snake is about to begin his mission, however, the ship is seized by a mysterious and well-armed group bent on stealing the new Metal Gear for their own, nefarious purposes. Where filmstars and millionaires do their best to avoid the dealers and gangbangers. Now, it's the early 90s. Carl's got to go home. His mother has been murdered, his family has fallen apart and his childhood friends are all heading towards disaster.

On his return to the neighborhood, a couple of corrupt cops frame him for homicide. CJ is forced on a journey that takes him across the entire state of San Andreas, to save his family and to take control of the streets. Welcome to the s. Having just made it back onto the streets of Liberty City after a long stretch in maximum security, Tommy Vercetti is sent to Vice City by his old boss, Sonny Forelli.

They were understandably nervous about his re-appearance in Liberty City, so a trip down south seemed like a good idea. But all does not go smoothly upon his arrival in the glamorous, hedonistic metropolis of Vice City. He's set up and is left with no money and no merchandise. Sonny wants his money back, but the biker gangs, Cuban gangsters, and corrupt politicians stand in his way.

Most of Vice City seems to want Tommy dead. His only answer is to fight back and take over the city himself. Vice City offers vehicular pleasures to suit every taste.

For the speed enthusiast, there's high-performance cars and motorbikes. For the sportsman, a powerboat or a golf buggy lets you enjoy the great outdoors. For those that need that sense of freedom and escape, why not charter a helicopter and see the beauty of Vice City from the air? With the addition of two new courses a downtown Tokyo circuit and the Monte Carlo Grand Prix course , an impressive range of cars from Vipers to Cooper Minis , and a soundtrack featuring everything from Lenny Kravitz to Jimi Hendrix, this highly anticipated title is finally ready to be driven.

Take Your Game Online: Access an online community where you can meet, chat, and play head-to-head against other gamers.

Create-A-Playbook: Customize receiver routes, player formations, and your team's entire playbook. Deepest Franchise Mode Ever: Play 30 years of Franchise mode and draft players each season with tips from your scouts. Build your skills, earn respect, and show that you've got what it takes to Go Pro.

No time clock, no constraints. Pro-specific challenges. Evolving levels. Interact with other skaters. Multi-player modes. Customize your game Your career is what you make of it. In a large American metropolis, a man named Dante, a private investigator of the supernatural, is seeking revenge for the death of his mother and brother.

The world is waiting, for Dante is no ordinary man, and with his father's sword in hand, he must enter the demon realm and avenge mankind. The industry football standard returns featuring the Houston Texans, new player face and body technology, the ability to create your own team with custom helmets, uniforms, and stadiums, and a new training mode that let's you learn from Madden, the master himself.

Players can battle or team up with up to 7 other friends for online dominance. Featuring different gameplay modes, new camera system, and robust online play, Subsistence is the game that gives players a brand new Metal Gear experience. Third Person Camera system gives players more control. Demo Theater, Duel Mode, and new stages for Snake vs.

Monkey mini-game. Take the rivalry online: Battle Michigan vs. Ohio State, USC vs. Notre Dame, Oklahoma vs. Nebraska, and more in online head-to-head exhibition games. New animations include sideline tackles, stumbles, new over-the-shoulder and basket catches, user-controlled celebrations, and much more.

New College Classics mode: Replay 20 of the greatest college football games from the last two decades. Take over the game at a key situation, relive the glorious victory, or change history with an upset. Continuing the dynasty: Project the season's top performers with the new Pre-Season All-American Team and revel in your weekly accomplishments with new Sports Illustrated magazine covers.

Unleash the power of the Gods and embark on a merciless quest as Kratos, an ex-Spartan warrior driven to destroy Ares, the God of War. Armed with lethal double chainblades, Kratos must carve through mythology's darkest creatures including Medusa, Cyclops, the Hydra and more, while solving intricate puzzles in breathtaking environments.

Driven by pure revenge, nothing can stop Kratos from achieving absolution. Two new characters Lei Fei and Vanessa Lewis join 11 VF veterans, each with their own unique styles based on real martial arts. New counters and defensive moves allow players to switch up their stances and fighting styles mid-bout.

Train a computer-controlled character through sparring and an easy-to-use rewards system, then pit your character against a friend's or challenge the arcade mode.

Burnout 3 takes the hit series even further, now featuring a unique "crash and burn" racing concept and a one-of-a-kind special effects engine that delivers spectacular visuals. The intensity heats up as players race, and often crash, their way through oncoming traffic in an attempt to claim the top spot.

Boasting multiple single-player, multiplayer and online crash and race modes, Burnout 3 offers players the opportunity to race through busy city streets and be rewarded for taking risks that result in heart-pounding action and electrifying crashes. But his journey did not end there. To end his continued torment, Kratos must journey to the far reaches of the earth and defeat untold horrors and alter that which no mortal, or god has ever changed, his fate.

God of War II sets an epic stage for a devastating mythological war to end all wars. Armed with the deadly blades and blistering rage, players are aided by new breath-taking magic and new brutal combat moves.

The journey takes them through vividly striking environments where they are faced with a labyrinth of challenging puzzles and mini-games intricately woven into the story. The violent world of Greek mythology comes to life in gory detail as Kratos encounters new mythical characters, and compete in epic boss battles in his quest.

Remember when snowboard sims used to suck? The times have truly changed with the monster speed, detailed tracks and super-fast frame rates of EA's first extreme sports game for the PS2. Embark on the ultimate adventure and conquer the mountain with SSX 3. Life begins at the summit where a wide-open mountain awaits you -- board it, explore it, and beat it.

Featuring all-new freestyle events and race courses, jaw-dropping tricks, and a cast of cool, customizable characters, SSX 3 is yours to conquer. Redefine the boundaries what you do and what you earn, and go anywhere gravity takes you with SSX 3! In Okami, the legendary monster Orochi has come back to life and turned the world into a veritable wasteland.

Players must assume the role of a wolf, an embodiment of the sun god Amaterasu, which is capable of wielding unimaginable power. The state of the world lies in gamer's hands as they must fight ominous beings and reclaim the earth from a curse that plagues it. It is crucial to help Amaterasu make the world a place where all living creatures can dwell once again.

North America, the wait is over. Experience the most realistic virtual recreation of the sport to date. Life-like player models, staggeringly realistic animations, and renowned gameplay bring a soccer experience that can't be beat.

This critically acclaimed title is the must have soccer game of the year. Find out what you've been missing. Create your own dream team in the Master League. Get ready for a crowd of new features and improvements, including a completely new Franchise mode, thrilling new offensive and defensive animations, and broadcast-quality commentary regarded as the best in all of sports video games.

Complete with all the updated rosters, the new NFL alignment changes, and completely redesigned stadiums, its time to hit the line hard and remember winning isn't a sometime thing: it's an all-time thing. Challenge a steady stream of opponents with varying ranks and skill levels, with the impression that you're playing online against human opponents with different styles. Along with this illusion of online play, Virtua Fighter 4 has also been expanded upon, including the roster, the character customization features, the visuals, the training mode, and even the arcade mode.

With the different tournaments and two new characters to explore, VF4: Evolution will put your fighting skills to the ultimate test. Winning Eleven 7 International features teams, 21 stadiums, new player models and key additions to the Master League.

Winning Eleven 7 also utilizes a custom designed engine that allows for great flexibility and customization. Upon entering a match, players will find incredibly masterful gameplay, beautifully rendered stadiums and picture-perfect player models.

While on the field, players will experience true-to-life gameplay, with carefully tuned A. A new page in history has begun as the most highly-anticipated fighting game ever finally arrives! The greatest 3-D weapons-based fighter will provide non-stop action, excitement and surprises as you go one-on-one against your favorite challengers. Collect different weapons in the all-new mission-complete Weapon Master mode. Second-generation rider physics provide more in-air and on-snow user control.

Compete in the World Circuit, go head-to-head in the unique Showoff trick versions of nine courses on the World Circuit, or just kick it in Free Ride. New Garibaldi and Alaska courses let you get more vertical and catch more air, while all the original courses have some new surprises. The PlayStation 2 version features include Career Mode, allowing you to compete for the Stanley Cup for 10 consecutive years and build a true hockey dynasty.

Amidst the sands of ancient Persia, a young Prince unleashes a deadly evil. Embark on a harrowing quest to restore peace and the fabric of Time. Embody a legendary hero with gravity-defying acrobatics, ferocious fighting combos, and the ability to bend time to fulfill his bidding.

Wield the power of the Sands of Time - a mythical force allowing the Prince to erase the past, behold the future, and freeze the present. You'll uncover the mysteries of a world never before explored in action-adventure gaming.

Ancient Persia, mythical and deadly, holds a staggering array of landscapes and kingdoms to explore and conquer. The story takes place in a world called "Ivalice," in an age when magic was commonplace and airships plied the skies - the Archadian Empire, seeking to strengthen its base of power, had been invading and subjugating its neighboring lands one by one- a fate which befell the small Kingdom of Dalmasca.

Archadia's invasion and the subsequent death of the Dalmascan king prompted the Princess Ashe, the sole surviving heir to the Dalmascan throne, to take up arms against the invaders. In her struggle to oust the occupying Archadian forces and restore freedom to her people, Ashe must watch as many of her allies pay the blood price for that freedom. Though tempted to abandon all hope in the face of the Empire's might, her determination keeps her from succumbing before what would seem to be inevitable defeat.

Then she meets Vaan, an urchin from the Dalmascan capital of Rabanastre. Vaan dreams of one day becoming a sky pirate, escaping the Empire on his airship. Vaan, Ashe, Vaan's friend Penelo, the sky pirate Balthier, his partner Fran and many more are on an adventure through Ivalice that traces the mysteries behind the Archadian Empire's invasion. Bringing with it a wide array of new gameplay elements, Final Fantasy XII will change the way players think about the Final Fantasy series.

Numerous possibilities abound within each scenario, allowing for a less linear, more unique experience for each player. The game also supports Dolby Pro Logic II both in-game and during movie sequences, immersing the player in the middle of the action. Final Fantasy's first game on the Playstation 2 is the first to use voice acting and a massive leap in the cinematic approach to storytelling. Stop reading and go play. With over 55 tracks to rock out to, you'll go from Guitar Hero to Guitar god in one press of a fret button.

Choose from multiple rock characters and jam at concert venues that grow in size as your rock career progresses. You'll start your rock career playing small clubs and bars, but if you play well you'll work your way up to stadiums and arenas. Guitar Hero II takes the guitar rock experience to new volumes by allowing players to play 3 different guitar tracks: Rhythm, Bass, and Lead. Guitar Hero II introduces all new multiplayer modes like: cooperative, pro-face off, and face off, letting 2 Guitar Heroes conduct their own symphonies of destruction.

Whether it's by making an opponent lose his shorts from a stop-and-go juke, by scraping your toes down as you make an acrobatic first-down catch along the sideline, or by piling on top of a swarming gang tackle on fourth and short -- you will truly feel everything that makes the National Football League so intense. Don't look. Don't listen. Guitar Hero creates all the sensations of being a rock star, as you rock out to 30 of the greatest rock anthems of all time and more.

So kiss that air guitar goodbye and get ready to rock. Features over 30 of the greatest rock songs of all-time. Two-player mode that offers tons of multiplayer fun.

EA Sports steps up to the challenge of Sega's "NFL2k1" with mind-blowing graphics and innovative "Madden Cards" -- Upper Deck creations purchased with tokens earned by completing in-game challenges which can be used as power-ups during the game.

The sequel to 's sleeper platformer hit "Klonoa: Door to Phantomile" finds our floppy-eared, baseball cap-wearing hero collecting dream stones and over-inflating his enemies with air bullets while protecting the dream world of Lunatea in this "2-D style" action game. Players will be able to earn up to 20 weapons including online and offline with up to four levels of upgrades for most weapons, plus new high-tech gadgets to help them through their journey.

In the struggle to achieve world peace and world dominance, rivaling governments are secretly developing weapons technology that could threaten the future existence of life. Destined to be the first, a race ensues to become the ultimate nation. A special elite tactical soldier is summoned to penetrate deep in the heart of enemy territory and obtain intel about "Metal Gear," a prototype weapon with nuclear capabilities.

This is your mission and you must infiltrate alone. Interactive environments where traps catch enemies and prey. Rely on camouflage, combat, hunting and instincts to survive. Set in the s where politics and war are shaping real world history. Blockbuster musical score composed by Harry Gregson-Williams. The original designers are back for the fifth game in the "Twisted Metal Series," THE car-combat game cruising at a FAST 60 frames per second, featuring the mysterious Calypso who once again tempts inmates from a local metal hospital to compete in a tournament of automotive mayhem.

Also known as "Wanda and the Colossus" or "Wanda to Kyozou" in Japan In Shadow of the Colossus, players take the role of a young man seeking the truth of an ancient tale of power hidden in a mystical land. Shadow of the Colossus is a majestic journey through ancient lands to seek out and destroy gigantic mythical beasts. With a trusty horse at your side, players explore the spacious lands and unearth each Colossi.

The uneasy task of defeating a Colossus relies on intelligent puzzle solving and action oriented gameplay. Armed with strong wits, a mystical sword and a sturdy bow, players use cunning and strategy to topple each behemoth. My Favorite Team: Personalize the game interface based on your team's fight song, mascot, logos, and school colors.

Build A Dynasty: Create your own school and schedule, recruit star athletes, and redshirt developing players to build a national powerhouse. Rivalry Mode: Beat your school's archrival and win one of 23 coveted trophies. Trophy Room: Display up to 59 total trophies including conference championships and individual player awards. This third version of Tecmo's acclaimed fighter "Dead or Alive 2," ported to the Dreamcast ealier in the year, is a visual feast for PS2 gamers with the addition of new costumes, levels, hidden characters, amped-up graphics.

Force the action on defense in Madden NFL New defensive tools allow you to make more plays and be in on all of the action. The all-new Hit Stick lets you lay the big hit to turn the momentum of the game in your favor.

Modify pre-snap assignments, including double teams and player-specific match ups, for any defensive player on the field.

With the new Storyline Central, you get the inside scoop around the league from radio host Tony Bruno, along with local and national newspapers, to help you make critical franchise decisions. New Hit Stick — Change the momentum of a game by using the right analog stick to make a huge hit, force a turnover, and send the crowd into a frenzy.

Time it just right or you'll get burned for a big play. NTSC version works fine but at some point there are framerate drop issue however that won't affect the play. Check emulator configuration. Require config file. Intense texture flickering on main menu, and minor texture flickering in FMVs with subtitles enabled. Occasional texture flicker in gameplay, but overall completely playable. The game works well, please check Emu config details here.

Just a bug, player must avoid bullet time mode, as this reduces fps to great extent. The game now runs and it doesn't crash anymore at the first mission , but it could freeze during gameplay for a few seconds , also the game could lag a little bit at the start of missions but it is not persistent. Audio is completely broken once you start the game.

Works perfectly with Jak v2 emu. Uprender 2x2 for a crisp look. Does not slow down gameplay. Huge slowdown in Tanker chapter when outside in the rain, otherwise plays fine ISO with a config, Perfection.

Game freezes during combat. Returned to unplayable status. Intro FMV and interviews in History section of some games run slow with choppy audio, but all games tested run perfectly.

Small graphical glitches relating to small particles both in Konquest and when in a fight falling leaves, sparks from metal or lava, etc.

Otherwise, runs perfectly fine. Motor Kombat has some slowdown when too many karts on screen at once. Practise mode indicates input working fine on PAL.

PAL version, bad graphics, very branded - ntcs Require config file. Driller and Ridge Racer. Tekken works on menus but almost doesn't render graphics in gameplay. Klonoa: Door to Phantomile plays intro FMV but hard freeze the console when selecting something in the title screen. It can't play the main intro FMV neither videos on the gallery menu.

English patched ISO works fine. Minor visual corruption on the copyright logo screens, game is fantastic other than that.

No point marking as anything less than "playable". Uprender 2x2 to fix blurry graphics. Does not slow gameplay speed. Works fine using Jak emu and associated config file. Works Fine using Kinetica emu and associated config file. Broken reflections, stripes around car model PAL version. Require config file to fix framerate. All the menus work great, minus some minor graphical issues.

Going onto the field there are some more graphical issues, small amounts of lag, and very noticeable audio lag. Jakv2 used. NTSC version is playable, saving does not work, there are minor slowdowns and choppy cutscenes on the base PS4. Due to the game not saving, its not possible to complete it. Needs a patch or a save from pcsx2. Cutscenes actually work perfectly though. PAL AND US version works using kof98 emu, but the game still has major graphical issues in main menu and during gameplay and runs slow.

Has Minor graphical glitch while using celestial brush fixed with this config [10]. No major issues, some slight choppy performance here and there. US version works perfectly using custom config.

EU version works with custom config, has major slowdown on title screen inconsequential and frequent slowdown during play, though nothing major. Fixed freeze. Check Emulator configuration. Some graphical issues such as shadows and a white line. OutRun 2 SP is the Japanese version with extras and graphical improvements. Little bit of lag when you're near water you have to go in but so far so good.

Doesn't have the known PCSX2 glitch of freezing during tutorial message or freezing when trying to load Butane Pain level. JAP has gfx glitches than the US version. Save and Loading screens are glitchy, the stages go invisible the closer you get to them but the game doesn't encounter slow downs. Check Emulator Configuration for details. Horrific vertical lines about 2 inches thick that obscures all vision whatsoever whenever racing. Along with other major graphical glitches on top of that, framerate is also incredibly unpredictable.

Full speed yet severe graphics corruption and shadow casting issues. NTSC-J works, but with same problems, also time rewinding doesnt work, it starts, but cannot continue for whatever reason. The game is still clearable, I cleared it, and it was kinda fun without the main mechanic, Config [13].

Absolutely fine. Substantial graphics corruption, SPS from time to time and massive reflections corruption. Still playable, but ugly. Please check Emulator config details here. Looks and runs amazingly. It's impossible to press Downright and Upleft, since the game was designed for a dance pad. Aside from that, the game has minor graphical issues and runs at full speed.

Puyos may disappear for a second while doing chains. Use Jak Emu to avoid a white layer that appears in the player's box. JAP works fine. Known in Japan as Puyo Puyo Fever. KOR98 Emulator you're unable to press start on title screen. Require config to fix cars, shadows, and flickering black lines over the screen Check Emulator Configuration for more Information. Fully playable at full speed with no graphical issues. But Cheats are required to accomplish it.

First, use Emulator Configuration. The game was affected by slowdown and screen tearing if many characters were in the same screen, also shadows weren't correctly displayed. Lastly hold down triangle and cross before the PS2 logo disappears to enable progressive scan. This eliminates the screen shaking.

The game is marked as minor issues because there's a minor glitch that happens after a battle during the results screen: the camera rarely points to the characters during that screen. Game starts, creates save data, then after the first cut scene, goes black. Black screen when going in-game. Freezes at character selection screen, once the character animations start the game will freeze due to the emulator not syncing the ctc2 instructions with the EE. Fix for the freeze.

The game is now playable from start to finish using kof and The config. USA version runs fine. GTA3 v1 emulator runs very slow. Rogue Emulator freeze before starts. PAL: No issues noticed. Cannot get past through the loading screen and freeze after starting a new game main menu is only accessible with Rogue emulator. Jak emulator freezes on memory card check screen. Very poor performance. USA version works perfect. KOF98 Emulator fails before the game starts. Works Fine. No issues found.

NTSC-J version works well. Door glitches door textures are missing, unable to render past doors , enemies become invisible. Playable but not comfortably. Cars, both yours and opponents, are mostly invisible with transparent outlines.

Game is actually worse on the Jak emulator, it no longer passes opening FMV and there's no audio. Game boots and plays absolutely fine now, with the Jak emu, though the opening FMV stutters and doesn't play correctly. Can be skipped and the rest of the game is fine. Game is rock solid, looks and runs great, unfortunately prerendered FMVs have significant audio stutter.

The audio stuttering on FMVs doesn't happen if using Rogue emulator. Use custom config to fix freezing after leaving the first area. Works fine, map loads and works. Has strange visual bug during battles, where everything is too dark, but becoming normal when the player's cursor is on an enemy.

It's quite playable, but I wouldn't call it perfect. Tested undub disc. NTSC-J hangs in the same place. Works perfectly with Jakv2 emu. DUB works flawlessy. Uprender 2x2 with edge smooth, works for a crisp look. Fully playable. Has extremely minor graphical glitches that are fixed by Using this config. Jak Emu only shows a black screen. Pal Version work but have sometimes texture glitch and some lags. Fix for distorted audio PAL. Link includes configs for all scooby games.

Require config file to fix hang at boot. Almost perfect, slight polygon texturing corruption in the lower-right angle of screen in external-camera view. Barely noticeable. Compilation of 9 "Sega Ages " titles; Vol 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, and Works perfectly. NTSC-J has lots of strange issues like character model disappearing during the first fight and never appearing again.

Marking as unplayable because I think it's hard to play when you can't even see your character. Graphical issues with character shadows. Tested with RogueV1emu. Working fine. Minor graphical glitches. Fixed second mission game over error. Check Emulator configuration for details. Noticeable Blurry graphics using "RogueEmu". Most of the blurriness is less noticeable using "Kofemu". Freezes with "Jakemu" during cutscene after meeting the women on the roof of medical centre.

The Hardtype Rom Hack also works. The game can randomly crash on a white screen this is a game bug not emulation related. International versions are unplayable after the player gets to the second ladder in the Assembly of Nihilo, where the prompt for climbing down the ladder never shows up. Otherwise, the game also suffers from minor flickering that doesn't affect the experience English translated version of "Maniax Chronicle Edition" freezes after a few minutes of play. Aside from that, game is playable.

Tested the USA version, Game working perfectly on jakv2, Only extremely minor graphical glitches, for instance when fusing personas the new persona is transparent, only its eyes and weapons appearing, Fixed with Txt config [14]. There's an artifact line on all the 2D arts when the characters change expressions. Otherwise perfect. Cleared the whole game twice, unlocked Zero, watched all the scenes with extra Heart Feelings. It's probably the engine, but I have no idea how to fix it.

Apparently if you don't stretch the screen to there's no bug. Tested on multiple emulators. Rest of the game seems to run fine. NTSC versions have broken video output, top half of the screen is useable but the bottom half is a glitchy mess. FMVs are fine in Jak emu. NTSC version has broken video output, top half of the screen is useable but the bottom half is a glitchy mess, as well as occasional hangups.

FMV working flawlessly. All buttons working as normal except analogue stick, as a result you will be standing in front of the truck without doing anything The Animated scenes like interacting with doors or a cutscene have audio stuttering, syncing issues and FPS drops. Pal version sometimes freezes at first loadingscreen. The game works almost perfectly, but the sniper rifle scope doesn't work properly in stage 3. Getting an S rank there on PS4 is near impossible, and that's required to get all the weapons, thus all the costumes.

On PCSX2 easy-peasy. The game boots, first screen is normal, some menus don't show up, first room of the stage is ok, second is blackscreen, even though the gameplay continues. I don't think that can be called playable. Known in Europe as Sly Raccoon Config. Menus in have small splicing. Shadows are fixed using Jak and Daxter emu, so the game is practically playable now.

Graphic corruption can be fixed with a custom config. Some slowdown during heavy scenes. Black lines on border area in main menu. Boots with Rogue emu. The game has small graphical errors when using a speed character and it seems the cannon at the end of Ocean Palace seems to be broken I don't know who wrote this but it's not true The cannon works as intended and I've since beaten all of the story modes. Other than a few texture glitches, you can beat the game.

Plays absolutely perfectly using Jak emu. Not a single issue with any game so far. Comics and Videos work too. Only issue is that the game crashes the PS4 in story mode after the first fmv. Otherwise, its perfect. Image with Widescreen Patch does not boot on either emulator. Minor graphical issues, but playable. Crashes on certain stages. Story mode and Chronicles of The sword unplayable because of this.

JakX V2 used. Black screen after PS2 logo. Boot with pnach pcsx2, access to menu but freeze when launch a race. Shadows are rendered incorrectly. Models will occasionally disappear, making navigating the platforms in the Quentin Beck fight much more difficult.

JP version will freeze after ps2 logo. Freezes on loading screen after the first level. Require config file to fix framerate, and graphical issues. Game is running smooth; however, there is a bug with the combat system which makes it impossible to progress the game. Low framerate on base model PS4. Custom config fixes previous graphics issue. When starting a new game, the game freezes when trying to load the first level.

It may be playable after the first level, but untested. Runs amazing But has major graphical glitches in certain levels. Its playable from start to finish but in the glitched levels the game gets much harder and more confusing than it should be.

When starting a new game the game reloads the main menu instead of starting a new game. I imagine it could be playable with a save. Freezes after PS2 logo. Config www. There are still disappearing character visual bug present at Elysium Alps stage, maybe in some other stages as well.

Minor slowdown at character selection. Set "Animorphic" in game settings to play widescreen. Character randomly falls through the world and turns invisible after "shoving" opponents.

NTSC: Game constantly stalls for several seconds during play. Tested with PS4 Pro 9. Minor performance issues. Requires earlier emulator in order to work, Jak freezes on "checking memory card" screen. Works fantastic in Roguev2. Significant low framerate 1 fps issue, resulting the game to be unplayable.


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